Chiropractor Regina for Neck Pain

Are you experiencing pain in your neck? Does it cause you to experience numbness or tingling down one or both arms? Is it causing you to have headaches?


Welcome to Prairie Spine and Sports Rehabilitation! If you are experiencing neck pain you came to the right place. Trust the experts. We have your back!


How common is neck pain?

Neck pain is the 4th leading cause of disability globally. The prevalence of neck pain increases with age (peaking in middle age) and it is more common in women. Over the course of a year, prevalence of neck pain can range between 12.1% to 71.5% of the general public (27.1% to 47.8% in workers).1 At any given time (point prevalence), 6% to 22% of people are currently experiencing neck pain.2


Unfortunately, most people with neck pain do not experience a complete resolution of symptoms. Recurrence of neck pain is common, between 50% and 85% people

will report neck pain again 1 to 5 years later.



Neck pain can be a result from a wide variety of reasons from ergonomics (ie. repetitively working at a computer, reading a textbook studying for an exam, or browsing on your cell phone), sleeping in an awkward position, whiplash from sports or motor vehicle accident, to trauma (ie. fall). Studies have demonstrated neck pain to have a multifactorial etiology, being contributed by several variables.1,3 Factors contributing to neck pain are categorized in two groups, non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. 


Risk Factors
Non-modifiable Modifiable
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Genetics
  • Smoking
  • Exposure to environmental tobacco
  • Physical activity participation


Notably, in the workplace high quantitative job demands, low social support at

work, sedentary work position, repetitive work, and precision work increased the risk of neck pain.1,3 Neck pain can have an impact on physical, social, and psychological well-being.



Common conditions of neck pain are neck sprain/strain or spasm, cervical radiculopathy (“pinched nerve”),  herniated (slipped or bulging) disc, cervical spondylosis or degenerative disc and joint disease  (osteoarthritis), and spinal stenosis. 

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Our chiropractor is a spine care expert. Chiropractors are currently positioned as a leader in the management of joint, muscles, and nerve-related conditions. Our Regina chiropractor will take a history of your concern and perform a thorough assessment that will include orthopedic and neurologic testing. If deemed necessary, our chiropractor in Regina will be able to request x-rays and ultrasound or refer you to a specialist for consultation and further investigation (i.e.. CT or MRI).



Non-surgical (conservative) treatments are beneficial for managing neck pain. Active treatment has been demonstrated to be clearly superior to any other intervention in both the short term and long term (Hogg-Johnson, 2008). Manual therapy (such as joint mobilization, adjustments, and massage) and exercises are beneficial. In addition, acupuncture can be potentially helpful. These are treatments that our Regina chiropractor can effectively provide you! 


Alternative interventions include medication, corticosteroid injections, and surgery. Corticosteroid injections may provide temporary/short-term symptomatic relief for radicular symptoms, however does not appear to decrease surgery rates. Injections and surgery are invasive options, preferences should be towards a trial of conservative therapies such as chiropractic first. 


Our chiropractor can assist you to return to the activities you enjoy safely and sooner, while preventing it from returning!



Dr. Michael Truong

Regina Chiropractor



Additional Resources:

Neck stretches:




  1. Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Holm LW, Cassidy JD, Guzman J, et al. The burden and determinants of neck pain in the general population: results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008; 33(4 Suppl):S39– 51. Epub 2008/02/07. PMID: 18204398. 


  1. Fejer, R., Kyvik, K. O., & Hartvigsen, J. (2006). The prevalence of neck pain in the world population: a systematic critical review of the literature. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 15(6), 834–848.


  1. Genebra, C., Maciel, N. M., Bento, T., Simeão, S., & Vitta, A. (2017). Prevalence and factors associated with neck pain: a population-based study. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 21(4), 274–280.