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What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractors are spine care experts, currently positioned as a leader in the management of joints, muscles and nerve-related conditions. Having a healthy spine and nervous system is important for everyday function and performance of our body. Receiving regular care for the spine with chiropractic treatment is beneficial.

Do Chiropractors Treat Only The Spine?

Although Dr. Truong has a special interest in managing spine-related conditions, he is as knowledgeable about treating any other joint, muscle and nerve conditions. Other common conditions Dr. Truong treats include migraines/headaches, TMJ dysfunction, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, pinched nerves (ie. carpal tunnel and sciatica), hip pain, knee pain, and Achilles tendinitis.

What Can I Expect On My Initial Visit With The Chiropractor?

During your first visit to Dr. Truong, he will introduce himself and will ask questions to get to know you better. To him, you are more than just a patient. Introductions aside, Dr. Truong will take the history of your concern, perform a thorough assessment, determine and explain the diagnosis to you, construct an individualized treatment plan to address the concern that caters to your goals, afterward he will ask you for permission to proceed with the plan and then begin the treatment process.

What Is The “Cracking” Noise From Joints?

  • Joints are embedded within a capsule that contains synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant to allow the cartilage of bones to glide smoothly across one another. The sound is a result of the compression of nitrogen bubbles within the synovial fluid and the gas being released from the joint.
  • Fun fact: The “cracking” noise is medically referred to as cavitation.

What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

  • An adjustment is a precise and highly skilled hands-on movement to correct a joint. This restores proper joint motion, assists tissues to heal and reduces pain.
  • Fun fact: The cracking noise (cavitation) is not necessary for an adjustment to be successful. However, patients often find it satisfying to hear. The objective is to improve the flexibility of the stiff joint.

Is Chiropractic Safe?

There is no increased risk of visiting a chiropractor than visiting a family doctor or any physical therapist contrary to how the media may portray it. Patients commonly visit chiropractors due to experiencing backaches, neck pain, and headaches. Our chiropractor will perform a thorough screening to rule out any red flags before proceeding with treatment to ensure your safety.

Is Chiropractic Treatments Comfortable?

Treatments are individualized and tailored specifically for you. We perform a thorough assessment to ensure that the treatment that we will perform is safe for you. For example, the amount of pressure our health care providers would apply for a 70-year-old patient with osteoporosis, would be less than that of a 25-year-old athlete. You may experience temporary tenderness and discomfort following the treatment, although this is typically mild and short-lived.

Is It Harmful To Crack My Knuckles?

The answer is NO! The best available research on this topic has debunked this old misconception that cracking your knuckles is harmful to the joints. It is now common knowledge amongst the scientific community that cracking your knuckles does not increase the likelihood of developing arthritis.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Dr. Truong uses fine and sterilized needles for his acupuncture treatments. He often describes receiving acupuncture similarly to experiencing a mosquito bite or a pinprick. Patients often mention that they do not even notice the needles being applied and that they are surprised by how painless it is.

Snap, Crackle, Pop: What’s That Noise?

  • Do you hear a noise that is coming from a particular region of the body? There are many possibilities of what is generating the noise. This includes:
    • A) The “grinding” noise may be from the friction between the bones of the joint.
    • B) The “snap” noise may be from the tendon gliding across another tendon or the bone when the tissue is inflamed or tight.
    • C) The “pop” noise can be the pressure release (cavitation) from the joint. In sports injuries, this can be an indication of a ruptured ligament or tendon.
    • D) The “click, catch or lock” may be a result of the internal structures of a joint. With regards to the knee, this may include the cartilage, ligaments or meniscus. The “click” may be an indication of the cartilage of the joint rubbing against each other with movement. If there is a lack of movement due to “catching” or “locking”, this may be due to malposition of the menisci, cartilage or ligaments which may be impeding the movement.
    • E) The “clunk” noise may be due to a bone going partially or fully out of socket from a joint. The joint may have laxity or excessive movement. In sports injuries, this can be an indication of a partial or full dislocation.
  • Regardless of the noise, the most important question is whether there is pain when the noise occurs. If no pain is present, it is most likely nothing you should be concerned of. Most people experience snap, crackles and pops in different regions in their body that are pain free. However, if pain is experienced or you are still concerned it is best to book an appointment with us to further investigate and get to the bottom of it!

Are Chiropractors ‘Real’ Doctors?

  • Similar to physicians, dentists and optometrists, chiropractors are designated to use the title “doctor” once completing the extensive education and training of the Doctor of Chiropractic degree program. Being a professional who is recognized to use the title, demonstrates their area of expertise and the ability to diagnose. Dr. Truong works alongside physicians who regularly ask him for his expertise regarding joint, muscle and nerve-related issues to help manage their patients.
  • Fun Fact: Dr. Truong has the ability to order x-rays and diagnostic ultrasound if he deems it necessary.

Is Chiropractic Covered By My Health Insurance?

Most health insurance providers will reimburse all or a portion of the fees. Third-party insurances provide extensive coverage for chiropractic services. This may include employee benefit plans, extended healthcare benefits, worker’s compensation board (WCB), automobile insurance (SGI), RCMP, Canadian Forces, and Veteran’s Affairs Canada. Please check your health plan to determine the coverage that is available to you and does not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Do I Need a Medical Doctor’s Referral To Receive Treatment At Your Clinic?

No. Chiropractors are primary contact health providers, allowing you to access Dr. Truong’s services directly. However, depending on your insurance/benefits provider you may need a referral to access coverage. Many insurances do not require a referral for you to access chiropractic care, but it is always best to check with to be certain.

How Long Is a Visit?

A typical visit with Dr. Truong is approximately 30 minutes for the initial appointment and 15 minutes for a subsequent.

What Should I Wear To My Appointment?

It is recommended that you wear appropriate clothes that will allow you to move and to allow access to the region of your concern. This may be comfortable and loose-fitting clothes. For example, if you are here for your shoulder than wear a tank top or t-shirt that you can roll the sleeves up. If you are here for your knee, you can wear shorts or stretchy pants that you can roll the pant leg above the knee.

What Are My Funding Options?

  • You may have access to coverage provided by government sources. If your concern is a result of a recent work accident than you will most likely be covered by the worker’s compensation board (WCB). However, if your injury is a result of a recent motor vehicle accident than you have coverage available to you from your automobile insurance (SGI).
  • For all other concerns, most health insurance providers will reimburse all or a portion of the fees. You are also more than welcome to pay directly out of pocket.

Does Your Clinic Do Direct Billing?

Currently our clinic performs direct billing for WCB and SGI. For all other insurance providers, please give us an opportunity to determine if you are eligible for direct billing services. Otherwise, you can simply mail your invoices directly to the insurance company to be reimbursed.