The Opioid Crisis: There is an Alternative Option.


According to Health Canada, 11 Canadian die everyday as a result of opioid overdose. Opioid overdose related deaths are 94% accidental.

Opioids are a class of drugs that are used to manage pain, acting as a “painkiller”. However, this compound is manufactured to resemble opium which has addictive properties and can have other physiologic effects on the body.

People who suffer from chronic back or neck pain are often searching for a solution. Due to the potential health risks, patients who wish to avoid prescription medication such as opioids have an alternative option. Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be beneficial and effective in addressing spinal conditions. People who see a chiropractor are less likely to use opiods. In a systematic review and meta-analysis by Corcoran et. al. (2019), 64% of people who receive chiropractic care were less likely to use opioids than those who did not.

Chiropractic treatments may include spinal manipulation, joint mobilization, soft tissue therapy (chiropractic massage) and exercise prescription. These treatments may decrease pain, reduce inflammation and restore the health of muscles and joints.

Painkillers are not the only option.